pediatric healthcare case study

Pediatric Healthcare PR Case Study


OUR WORK | Winslet’s Disease

19-month-old Winslet Seoighe was born via a life-saving emergency C-section on October 5, 2009. She weighed just 4 pounds, 8 ounces, was resuscitated in the delivery room and was critically ill with only 33 percent of the blood volume she should have had. She was very sick, and her vital organs were shutting down. She fought her way back to health during a seven-week stay in the NICU, but there was one major lingering problem – Winslet was not making blood. Since then, she has had over 40 transfusions. At a loss for a diagnosis after sending her blood and biopsies literally around the world for testing – from the Mayo Clinic to Harvard to Yale to Johns Hopkins and, finally, to a specialty lab in Israel – doctors now refer to her condition as Winslet's Disease.

Winslet's only chance for a cure was a life-saving bone marrow transplant. Winslet is one of the lucky ones – doctors found a 6/6 match from the National Marrow Donor Program cord blood bank. After eight days of intensive chemotherapy, Winslet received her bone marrow transplant on February 3, 2011. She spent nearly 60 days in Medical City Dallas and recovered at home under home isolation. While doctors are optimistic, it will be up to two years to determine if the transplant was successful. Medical costs were expected to be over $1.2 million, and an estimated $500,000 in out-of-pocket, transplant-related expenses for the family.

TrizCom PR knew that the world needed to know about Baby Winslet and conducted a pro bono media relations campaign to help assist with her medical expenses.

Pro Bono Earned Media Campaign for Baby Winslet Seoighe & Winslet’s Disease

Red invitation
Pink and white invitation

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